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All social landlords with more than 1000 homes are subject to regular inspections by the Regulator of Social Housing, who will be seeking assurance that the outcomes of the Consumer Standards are being delivered. On Monday 3 February 2025, South Holland District Council was notified that a programmed inspection would take place between April and June 2025. You can find out more here.

About us 

With over 3,700 properties, South Holland District Council is the largest landlord in South Holland providing lettings, tenancy and estate management, repairs, programmed maintenance and rent collection directly for its tenants.   A copy of our landlord strategy is available on our Housing Policies page.  

We're committed to operating in an open and transparent way and being accountable to our tenants.

Annual Report 2023/2024

We have produced an Annual Report for Tenants and Leaseholders which sets out performance information, as well as some of our achievements and future plans. 

Annual report 23/24 (PDF, 18 MB)

Annual Report 23/24 accessible version (PDF, 1 MB)

Roles and responsibilities

  • Responsible Person for compliance with consumer standards is the Assistant Director for Housing. You can contact them by email or phone 01775 761161 
  • Lead Officer for Health and Safety is the Housing Repairs Manager. You can contact them by email or phone 01775 761161   
  • Responsible Person for fire safety is the Chief Executive of South Holland. You can contact them by email or phone 01775 761161    
  • Accountable Person for Higher-Risk Residential Buildings is the Assistant Director for Housing. You can contact them by email or phone 01775 761161 
  • Lead Officer for Housing Complaints is the Business Support Manager. You can contact them by email or phone 01775 761161 
  • Member Responsible for (Housing) Complaints is the Portfolio Holder - Strategic and Operational Housing. You can contact them by email or phone 01775 761161 

Our performance

A variety of performance indicators are in place for performance around topics such as rent collection, timescales for repairs, health and safety compliance and complaint handling.  This data is reviewed by Senior Officers and Councillors in a variety of ways, as set out in our HRA Governance Framework and our Governance Arrangements Summary.   Our performance is scrutinised by Performance Monitoring Panel on a quarterly basis. Copies of minutes and reports can be found on the Performance Monitoring Panel Committee section.  The most recent reports are linked below:

SHDC Housing Landlord Performance as at 31.12.24 (PDF, 118 KB)

SHDC Housing Landlord Performance as at 30 09 24 (PDF, 120 KB)

SHDC Housing Landlord Service Performance as at 30/06/2024 (PDF, 187 KB)

Risk management and budgets are also monitored monthly, with quarterly updates provided to Governance and Audit. Copies of minutes and reports can be found on the Governance and Audit Committee section.    

Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings, please email for more information. 

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Tenant Satisfaction Measures  provide tenants with greater transparency about their landlord's performance with social landlords reporting information annually on their performance using a core set of defined measures.  

You can view our Tenant Satisfaction Measure survey results here Feedback for Housing Landlord Service - South Holland District Council (

Service improvements  

We are committed to improving our housing services.  Our Landlord Strategy sets out the Council's vision for Council-owned social housing within the district including our transformation and improvement programme driving improvements for tenants.  A board, of Officers and Members, has been established to oversee the programme and ensure that improvements are made based on the requirements of the Regulator of Social Housing and the wishes of tenants.

We will use tenant feedback from surveys, tenant satisfaction measure responses and focus groups to ensure that tenants are involved in shaping the improvements.  We will keep the tenant engagement page updated with any opportunities for involvement along with the outcomes. 

During 2023, we reviewed our Sheltered Housing service offer and are in the process of delivering improvements based on tenant views and feedback.  Further information about the project and our service is available on our Sheltered Housing page.

Complaints and learning from them

We continue to focus on how we deal with complaints to ensure a consistent and effective approach. Service improvements are considered in response to each complaint.  

Further information on how to share your feedback with us is available on our Feedback page. Feedback - South Holland District Council (

Proud to be TPAS (Tenant Participation Advisory Service) Members

We are excited to announce that South Holland District Council is now officially a member of TPAS! This membership underscores our dedication to enhancing our tenant engagement services, ensuring that our residents have a stronger voice and a more active role in shaping our community.

By partnering with TPAS, we aim to adopt best practices, improve communication, and foster a more inclusive and responsive environment for all our tenants. We look forward to the positive impact this collaboration will bring.

Tpas :: Join an existing landlord membership group

Salaries and management costs

We believe it is important to be open and transparent about what we pay our senior officers. Senior Salaries - South Holland District Council (

For 2023/24, the *management cost was per unit was £1,289.81.  (The national average cost for 2023 was £1,201 per unit - Sector analysis - GOV.UK)

*The management cost per unit, as defined by the Regulator of Social Housing, includes the expenses associated with managing social housing units. This encompasses costs like staffing, administration, and other operational activities necessary to maintain and manage the housing units

Local Authorities are required to publish details of the value of social housing stock that is held in their Housing Revenue Account. Social Housing Asset Value - South Holland District Council (

How we spend your rent

The table below provides a breakdown of how we spent rent collected during the last financial year.

Interest and capital payment on loans 12%
Repairs and maintenance 21%
Investment in homes29%
Management and landlord services32%
Investment in future years5%
Rents, rates, taxes and other charges1%