South Lincolnshire FEZ Local Development Order
In November 2018, South Holland District Council adopted a Local Development Order (LDO) on the prestige employment site, located to the north-west of Holbeach, immediately adjacent the A17/A151 roundabout.
The originally adopted LDO, known as the Holbeach Food Enterprise Zone LDO, was established for 5 years, in line with the legislative framework. It would have therefore expired in November 2023, unless renewed.
The legislative regime makes provision to refine and extend the timeframe of LDO's, subject to the need to update and formally consult upon renewed Orders. Given the initial success of the LDO, evidenced by the significant development undertaken on site, the Council undertook further formal consultation. This involved giving notice that the Council had reviewed the LDO and proposed to extend it further by effectively granting outline planning permission for continued on-site Agri-Food related development.
Following formal consultation with statutory bodies and the public, the amended LDO was formally adopted by the Council in November 2023. The refined LDO has an extended timeframe of 15 years, expiring in 2038 (unless further renewed).
The South Lincolnshire FEZ Local Development Order - Documents
The adopted LDO streamlines the planning process by removing the need for developers to make separate planning applications for an extensive range of Agri-Food development on land located within the South Lincolnshire FEZ.
The LDO also grants permission in principle for associated infrastructure and site preparation works.
The Order is accompanied by a set of planning conditions which require details of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) and that the development is carried out in accordance with a specific list of appended technical reports.
A copy of the adopted South Lincolnshire Food Enterprise Zone Local Development Order and supporting documents are available to view or download below:
- South Lincolnshire Food Enterprise Zone Local Development Order (PDF, 1 MB)
- Holbeach Flood Risk Mitigation Strategy (PDF, 18 MB)
- Monitoring Report (PDF, 506 KB)
- Statement of Community Involvement (PDF, 2 MB)
If you wish to contact the Local Planning Authority in relation to the South Lincolnshire Food Enterprise Zone Local Development Order, please contact Daniel Allen on:
Phone: 01775 764827
Background Documents and Reports
- Arboricultural Impact Assessment (PDF, 1 MB)
- Arboricultural Method Statement (PDF, 1 MB)
- Arboricultural Report (PDF, 9 MB)
- Archaeological Desk Based Assessment (PDF, 5 MB)
- Archaeological Fieldwalking Report (PDF, 1 MB)
- Noise Assessment Report (PDF, 830 KB)
- Preliminary Ecological, by CGC Ecology (PDF, 4 MB)
- Preliminary Geo-Environmental Risk Assessment (PDF, 22 MB)
- FEZ - Surface Water Drainage Strategy (PDF, 18 MB)
- Transport Technical, by ADC (PDF, 2 MB)
Originally Adopted Holbeach Food Enterprise Zone (FEZ) Local Development Order (LDO)
Documents and reports associated with the originally adopted Holbeach Food Enterprise Zone (FEZ) Local Development Order (LDO) can be viewed below:
- Holbeach Food Enterprise Zone Local Development Order (PDF, 1 MB)
- Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion (PDF, 80 KB)
- Archaeological Desk Based Assessment (PDF, 5 MB)
- Archaeological Fieldwalking Report (PDF, 1 MB)
- Development Scenarios and Trip Generation Technical Note (PDF, 1 MB)
- Ecology and Protected Species Survey (PDF, 2 MB)
- Flood Risk Mitigation Strategy (PDF, 7 MB)
- Geophysical Survey (PDF, 5 MB)
- Noise Assessment Report (PDF, 830 KB)
- Phase 1 Desk Study Report (PDF, 15 MB)
- Surface Water Drainage Strategy (PDF, 4 MB)
- Tree Report Layout (PDF, 209 KB)
- Tree Constraints and Arboricultural Impact Report (PDF, 1 MB)