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Dog fouling

Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Order

South Holland District Council has a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in place to protect our public spaces from dog fouling and promote a cleaner, safer environment.

We know that the vast majority of dogs are well behaved, and their owners are law abiding and respectful of others around them. It is not the intention of a PSPO to penalise responsible dog owners. The PSPO introduces some sensible rules and expectations of dog owners.


What does the PSPO cover?

The Order prescribes the following:

  1.  It is an offence for any person in charge of a dog, which defecates on public land, to fail to remove the faeces.
  2.  It is an offence for any person in charge of a dog to fail to provide evidence of a suitable receptacle (such as a poo bag) to pick up dog faeces, when requested to do so by an authorised officer.
  3.  It is an offence for any person in charge of a dog to take the dog into, or permit the dog to enter, an enclosed children's play area to which the public have access.

Failure to comply with these requirements could lead to a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice.


Dog fouling & carrying the means to pick up after your dog

Dog Fouling can endanger health, is unpleasant and has a negative impact on the local community.

Under the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) it is an offence for a person in charge of a dog not to remove dog faeces.

If you are approached by one of our Authorised Officers, you may be required to produce a suitable receptacle to pick up after your dog.  A suitable receptacle may be a poo bag, or other device which enables you to remove dog faeces and put it into a bin. You may be asked to produce this even if your dog has not defecated. Failure to produce a suitable means for removal of dog faeces is an offence and you may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice.


Children's play areas

Dogs are not allowed to enter any enclosed children's play area within our District. This restriction helps to make our play areas safe, useable places for children to play and enjoy. Failure to abide by this restriction is an offence and you may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice.


What area does the PSPO cover?

The PSPO covers any place within the South Holland District which is open to the air and to which the public have access.


How will the PSPO be enforced?

Any person not complying with the PSPO can be issued a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice by an Authorised Officer. The maximum level of this fine is fixed by law. They can be taken to court if the fine is not paid within the specified timeframe. A person guilty of an offence is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale (£1,000), unless:

  • they have the consent from the owner, occupier or person in charge of the land, not to comply with the order (private land)
  • they have a reasonable excuse for failing to comply, or
  • they fall within one of the other exemptions within the order.

We use the services of Kingdom LAS to carry out street patrols and investigate offences under this order. Please be advised that where a patrolling officer sees an offence being committed under this order they will approach the person, activate body worn CCTV and issue a fixed penalty notice.


What are the exemptions?

Exemptions are prescribed within the Order for the following:

a. A person is registered as a blind person in a register compiled under Section 29 of the National Assistance Act 1948; or

b. A person has a disability which affects their mobility, manual dexterity, physical co-ordination, or ability to lift, carry or move everyday objects; in respect of a dog under their control which is trained by a prescribed charity and upon which they rely for assistance.


How long will the PSPO last?

This Order was adopted in November 2024 and lasts for three years. After that we will decide whether to renew it in consultation with residents.


Are there any other PSPOs in South Holland?

There is also a PSPO in force in Spalding Town Centre relating to other types of anti-social behaviour. More information is available here.


How do I report an offence?

Please help us to tackle anti-social behaviour caused by dogs, by reporting dog fouling and other breaches of the PSPO.

You can report this by by using our online dog fouling report service.