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Conservation areas

A conservation area is an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. Planning controls are extended in conservation areas to give greater protection.

Conversation areas in South Holland

There are 13 conservation areas in the South Holland district. To find out whether a property is in a conservation area, you can use our web map. When using the web map, the conservation areas layer can be found under the 'Planning and Conservation' section. The layer can only be viewed when zoomed in to a certain point, so we recommend entering the address of the building first.

Works in conservation areas that require planning permission

In a conservation area, planning permission is required for some works that would ordinarily constitute permitted development. Details relating to Permitted Development (opens new window) can be found via the link.

If you are proposing to undertake a home improvement project, we encourage you to explore the guidance available on the Planning Portal (opens new window) to determine whether planning permission is required. The Planning Portal contains information on common projects as well as an Interactive House (opens new window).

If you are unsure whether your project or development is 'Permitted development', the Local Planning Authority can provide formal written confirmation through a Lawful Development Certificate.

A Lawful Development Certificate can provide additional certainty that the existing use of a building, or the development you are proposing (or have carried out) is lawful for planning purposes. Details on this application can be found via the planning portal: Lawful Development Certificates.

Planning officers can assist by advising the appropriate Part and Class of the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) pertaining to your project. However, officers will not provide verbal or written confirmation as to whether a specific development is Permitted Development or confirm if development is in accordance with the requirements of the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO), unless a Lawful Development Certificate is submitted.

As such, customers will be advised to self-serve through the planning portal. If confirmation is required, you will be advised to submit a Lawful Development Certificate.

Article 4 directions

Article 4 directions are used to give additional powers of planning control in a particular location. They remove the normal permitted development rights of householders to make changes to specific aspects of a property which would be considered to contribute to the erosion of the character of a conservation area.

This means that a planning application for the proposal would need to be submitted that would then be determined in accordance with local plans and national policies, guidance and advice.

To find out whether a property is covered by an Article 4 direction you can use our web map. When using the web map, the Article 4 layer can be found under the 'Planning and Conservation' section. The layer can only be viewed when zoomed in to a certain point, so we recommend entering the address of the building first.