Local Validation List
The 'Local List' sets out the information which we, as a Local Planning Authority, require in order to declare a planning application as valid.
The purpose of the list is to provide greater certainty to applicants about the type and extent of information required as part of their application and to ensure that the process of validation and determining applications is more efficient by reducing the need to seek further information in most cases.
The adopted list
The local list has been produced in two parts. The first covers all types of applications and the other is specifically for householder applications.
Each part of the list is separated into two sections:
- Part A which contains the national mandatory requirements for applications as set out in legislation, and
- Part B which sets out the local requirements for information considered necessary to deal with a particular type of application.
The two documents can be accessed below:
- Local List for All Applications (2019) (PDF, 525 KB)(opens new window)
- Local List for Householder Applications (2019) (PDF, 270 KB)(opens new window)
Information checklist
An information checklist enables you to self-certify that your submission complies with the validation requirements set out in the list and to help the checking process once we receive your application.
A copy of the checklist must be completed and submitted with the following planning applications: outline, full, reserved matters and s73/s73a. If a checklist is not submitted, your application will be declared invalid.
Information Checklist (PDF, 70 KB)(opens new window)
National Validation Requirements for Biodiversity Net Gain
Information Applicants must provide with their planning application
This mandatory requirement applies to all major applications received from 12 February 2024 onwards and all small sites received from 2 April 2024.
The Planning Portal's comprehensive online submission service, will be updated in line with the changes, and relevant application forms will be updated and available to download.
An application must be accompanied by the following minimum information to be validated:
- A statement as to whether the applicant believes that planning permission would be subject to the biodiversity gain condition;
- The pre-development biodiversity value of the onsite habitat on the date of application (or an earlier date) including the completed metric calculation;
- Where the applicant wishes to use an earlier date, the proposed earlier date and the reasons for proposing that date;
- A statement confirming whether the value of the onsite habitat is lower on the date of application (or an earlier date) because of the carrying on of activities ('degradation'), as the value will be taken from before degradation;
- A description of any irreplaceable habitat (as set out in the Regulations) on the land to which the application relates;
- A Statutory Biodiversity Metric; Only excel format (xls) will be accepted, shall include the date of the assessment and the assessor, and shall not include any red boxes unless the application is in outline, the applicant is requesting permission to purchase statutory biodiversity credits or Rule 4 of the metric has been instigated. Guidance can be found on the GOV.UK website; and
- A plan showing onsite habitat existing on the date of application (or and earlier date), including any irreplaceable habitat.
Without this information your application will be invalidated and returned. The planning Portal has updated their forms to include the requirement to submit the above information for relevant applications.
Further information available -
Biodiversity net gain - Other permissions you may require - Planning Portal
Biodiversity net gain details required from 12 February 2024 | Planning Portal Blog