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Trees in conservation areas

Conservation areas are parts of towns and villages that have been identified as being of special architectural or historic interest. We aim to preserve or enhance the character of these areas.

Trees are included as part of the definition of character. Accordingly all trees with a trunk diameter of 75mm or greater measured 1.5m above the ground, carry the same protection and penalties that they would have if they were covered by a Tree Preservation Order.

Should you wish to carry out work to any trees in a conservation area, you are required to give us six weeks notice of your intentions and the reasons for them. We reserve the six week period in which to make a Tree Preservation Order if we wish to retain the tree, or declare that we have no objections. If no TPO is forthcoming, work may proceed.

  • How do I found out if I live in a conservation area?
    To find out whether your property is in a Conservation Area you can use our web map. The Conservation Areas layer can be found under the 'Planning and Conservation' section. The layer can only be viewed when zoomed in to a certain point so please your address first.
  • How do I submit a six week notification to the Council?
    Applications can be made online via the Planning Portal (opens new window). When applying on the Planning Portal, you should select 'Tree works: Trees in conservation areas/subject to TPOs' as the application type. Alternatively, you can download and print a paper copy of the form (link below) and return it to

    Tree works application form (opens new window). View the guidance note on works to trees (opens new window) for support when completing the form.

    At some point in the process, the tree(s) in question will need to be inspected by an officer from our department. If you would find it useful to have a site visit and advice prior to submitting a notification, please contact our Trees and Nature Conservation Officer at or on 01775 764483.

    You may apply yourself, or you may like to ask a reputable tree contractor/tree surgeon to apply on your behalf.
  • How much does the notification cost?
    Submitting a six week notification to us is free of charge.
  • What are the penalties associated with unauthorised works to trees in conservation areas?
    It is a criminal offence to carry out works to trees in conservation areas without having submitted a six week advanced notification to the Council. The penalties associated with these offences are the same as those for trees subject of a tree preservation order