New Enviro-crime officers on the streets of South Holland

Posted on 13 March 2023
Following the recent announcement of South Holland District Council awarding a contract to carry out environmental crime enforcement work across the District we are pleased to announce that additional foot patrols and enforcement are now in place.
A three-year contract was recently awarded to Kingdom LA Support Ltd along with Boston Borough Council and East Lindsey District Council. This contract award was a key strategic milestone for the Partnership in addressing enviro-crime head on across each authority as littering, dog-fouling, fly-tipping and other enviro-crime offences continue to blight our communities.
The Council are increasing foot patrols and enforcement and Officers will be using highly-successful technology to enforce. They will also be educating through engagement and explanation to the community. Their aim is to contribute towards keeping the streets and public spaces cleaner and safer to reside in, supporting the good work of the Council's two Community Wardens and the Enviro-Crime Liaison Officer.
Cllr Anthony Casson, Portfolio Holder for Public Protection, at South Holland District Council said: "I was really pleased we got this opportunity through Partnership working to deliver a cost-effective way to tackle enviro-crime issues collectively for all of our residents.
"Good enforcement is the key to public confidence and I look forward to hearing about what the team manage to achieve and seeing how they can improve things in our area."
Image caption: Left to Right - Kingdom Contracts Manager, Jason Washington, Enviro-Crime Liaison Officer, Jeremy Dodd, Councillor Anthony Casson, portfolio holder for public protection, Environmental Enforcement Officer McGrath-Reid, Environmental Enforcement Officer Underwood and Environmental Enforcement Officer, Ritchie.