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Dog play paddock and exercise area is first to reach funding goal through the 'South & East Lincolnshire Crowd'

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Posted on 5 June 2023

A group of dedicated volunteers in South Holland who work tirelessly to bring people of our community together have successfully become the first committee to get their Crowd project 'Dog play paddock and exercise area' fully-funded as part of the 'South & East Lincolnshire Crowd'.

Working in partnership with Spacehive, the UK's leading civic crowdfunding platform, the 'South & East Lincolnshire Crowd' has allowed the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership to support grassroot projects in the community through crowdfunding.

Organisations can apply for up to £5,000 from the Council's funding pot to go towards their funding target.

The Tydd St Mary Playing Field Committee in South Holland launched their 'Dog play paddock and exercise area' project on Spacehive in February 2023. The committee is made up of around 12 volunteers and the aim is to improve and maintain the village playing field and pavilion for the enjoyment of all visitors.

After learning about this exciting new funding initiative, the committee joined a Crowdfund workshop where they learnt how to launch a crowdfunding campaign.

Dog owners from across the District will be able to sit and chat knowing their dogs can have a run around together and the play equipment will stimulate dogs and improve their relationships with their owners. The Covid lockdowns saw many more people choose dogs for company and this area will strengthen the new friendships both owners and dogs have formed.

There will also be dog training classes, dog agility and dog shows, whilst not reducing or impacting any other activities on the field. There will be poo bag dispensers, poo bins and benches for people to sit on. Also a 'dog sandpit' and other environmentally friendly ideas to add to the interest on the paddock.

After attending the Crowdfund workshop, the committee was empowered to launch the project, asking for £5,519 to fund the scheme. The committee hopes in the future to include play equipment and dog agility equipment.

Councillor Tracey Carter, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Communities and Operational Housing said: "It's fantastic to see the first crowdfunding project to be fully-funded as part of the South and East Lincolnshire Crowd and going to such a worthy cause."

"Initiatives like this one have great benefits to local residents, creating a new, dedicated community space and excellent facilities for dog owners, bringing people together with a shared love."

"Well done to all involved. I hope local residents take advantage of the brilliant opportunities crowdfunding presents, offering the chance to make a real difference to communities across South Holland."

The Tydd St Mary Playing Field Committee said: "Tydd St Mary is a rural village and there are many people who have little access to transport to other enclosed dog areas. We have been approached by many people to provide an area away from other activities on the field which will give all dogs the opportunity for a good safe run at no cost to the owners."

"We have never done any kind of crowdfunding before, but we said 'if we don't try, we will never know' so we joined the workshop and then easily created a profile and set up the project," said the committee."

"We were really pleased to get the contribution of £2000 for our project from South Holland District Council, Crowdfunding pot, we were also successful in receiving £2000 from Sutton Bridge Power Fund and of course the money we raised from the wider crowd. We would encourage groups who are trying to fund raise to give it a go."

To find out more about crowdfunding opportunities for projects in the local area, please click here: Further introduction workshops will also be taking place in July 2023, please contact Community Leadership Manager, Nichola Holderness at