Survey Finds Pedestrian Only Access Important in Spalding

Posted on behalf of Spalding Town Forum
A survey about town centre access in Spalding has found that people feel pedestrian only access is important to help to create a safer and more pleasant shopping environment in the town.
The finding was revealed in consultation run by Spalding Town Forum to gain insight into people's sentiment and perceptions around the current access arrangements which are covered by a Traffic Regulation Order.
The survey found that pedestrian only access is extremely or very important to 65.9% of respondents with pedestrian only access 'extremely important' to more than one third of respondents - the most popular rating by respondents. One tenth of respondents stated that pedestrian only access is not at all important.
And, driving the appetite for pedestrian only access was a desire for a safer and more pleasant shopping environment for pedestrians.
The consultation also revealed that:
- The significant majority of respondents - 86.4% - would like to see no general vehicle access on weekdays and Saturdays between 10am and 4pm.
- And, 52.5% of respondents want no general access on weekdays and Saturdays outside of 10am - 4pm.
- The most popular response to the question of vehicle access on Sundays was no general vehicle access with 37.8% of respondents choosing this option.
- A consistent concern was that emergency vehicles are freely able to access the town centre at all times.
- It is evident that many visitors to the town centre do not understand current access restrictions or, indeed, disregard restrictions. Whatever rules apply in the town centre, respondents would like these to be made clear and be applied consistently. Respondents also want to see any rules enforced.
The survey, which also sought feedback on how people use the town centre, saw a huge response with 815 people sharing their views, providing statistically robust findings.
Councillor Robert Gibson, Chair of Spalding Town Forum explained: "This survey has given us a clear insight and understanding into how people feel about town centre access in Spalding - an issue which I know is important to the local community.
"It is evident from the feedback that having a safe and enjoyable experience in our town centre matters to people, and there is a strong appetite for pedestrian only access.
"There is also a real desire for the regulations around access to be clear and consistent so that people using the town centre can understand them.
"I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took the time to share their views. We had a fantastic response to this consultation which allows us to have confidence in the findings."
The consultation, which took place in July over a three-week period, invited participants to have their say online and via paper copies of the survey.
The survey was promoted under 'Love Spalding', a brand that has been designed on behalf of Spalding Town Forum to reflect and promote pride in place. The Love Spalding brand can be used to promote and support different town centre activities, such as the consultation.
The findings were unveiled at the September meeting of the Spalding Town Forum.
Councillor Robert Gibson explained: "The Forum will listen carefully to what people tell us through this survey and the findings will be shared with all of the different organisations that need to be involved in shaping future improvements for the town centre.
"Ultimately, I want everyone to be able to enjoy Spalding town centre and all that it has to offer."
The survey report is live at: