Council sets 2024/25 budget and approves continuation of council tax support scheme
South Holland District Council has officially approved its budget for the next financial year as well as continuing to support a scheme which assists vulnerable residents to pay their council tax.

At a meeting of the Full Council, members approved:
- increased capital investment in Council assets to help generate new income streams, reduce running costs and help deliver services more efficiently.
- To continue with the generation of additional efficiencies, shared services and income from commercial activities guided by the Council's delivery plans.
- a Council Tax increase of 3.09 per cent. This means a band D property will pay £201.42 to South Holland District Council, an increase of £6.03 per year or 11.6p per week. This is the District Council's share of the overall council tax bill. Lincolnshire County Council, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire and parish councils also set their own council tax.
Cllr Paul Redgate, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercialisation, UKSPF and Levelling Up at South Holland District Council said: "The Council has set a balanced budget, despite it being one of the most challenging due to unprecedented inflationary pressures, and significant changes in resident, customer and business needs.
"The council continues to work to develop new opportunities, efficiencies and income streams to support the Council's revenue budget have continued.
"A significant element of the Council's budget which impacts the amount of money we have available for services is the Internal Drainage Board levy. The budget includes substantial increases in the levy due to the extensive use of power, fuel and other factors to pump water away to reduce the flooding risk to us all.
"Next year's IDB costs for the drainage boards which operate in South Holland are £3.4m - an increase of £279,000 from last year. The total increase since 2021/22 from the IDB levy is £823,000 - a huge 31 per cent increase.
"The council is part of a Local Government Association Special Interest Group of 30 councils, actively lobbying this issue with Government. An assurance has been given that a long-term solution is to be implemented for 2025/26 and conversations with DEFRA and the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities continue. Representation will continue to be made to press the urgency of this matter due to the unaffordable levies and the substantial impact on the Councils budget."
At the meeting, Councillors also approved the continuation of the Council Tax Support scheme for the coming year. The scheme is a way of helping people on low or no income to pay their annual council tax bill.
The maximum support available to working age applicants is 75 per cent, meaning that all working age households have to pay at least 25 per cent towards their council tax. The scheme protects War disablement pensioners, war widows and war widowers.
The council agreed to increase the scheme in in line with the allowances and premiums set by the Department for Work and Pensions as well as increasing the age limit from 21 years to 25 years for Care Leavers.
Cllr Redgate said: "To show our commitment in supporting the vulnerable, I am pleased that the council agreed to extend a 100 per cent reduction in council tax liability for Care Leavers, increasing the maximum age of eligibility to 25.
"People who are struggling to pay their council tax are encouraged to make contact with the council so we can help. By contacting us, we can ensure households are receiving any discounts and reductions they may be eligible for. Alternative payment arrangements can also be made, for example helping with frequency of payment, or extending over a longer period."
You can watch back the council meeting on the South Holland District Council's Facebook page and the report papers which accompany the meeting are here: