Latest plans for £26 million South Holland Health & Wellbeing Hub, as public consultation and new website are launched

Posted on 14 March 2024
South Holland District Council has today (14 March) launched a public consultation to ask residents for their feedback on a £26 million Government supported project to create a new South Holland Health & Wellbeing Hub.
In 2023 the Council was successful in a bid to the Government's Levelling Up Fund, receiving £20 million of investment for the existing Castle Sports Centre site in Spalding, to address health and wellbeing through the provision of improved sport, recreation and leisure facilities, alongside new health and wellbeing services and facilities for residents.
Following initial design work the Council has now shared images and detailed plans of what the new site could look like. These proposals have been developed in line with the relevant sporting technical standards and building regulations, and with engagement with the various key stakeholder groups including the relevant sports clubs and governing bodies.
The Council is now seeking the views of residents and participants to assist with refining the design based on local knowledge and experience of using the existing facilities ahead of a planning application. There is an intention for construction to get underway in Winter 2024, with the main Hub building opening to the public in Summer 2026.
The plans include the creation of a new swimming facility as an extension to the existing 'dry side' building, featuring an improved six-lane 25 metre pool, as well as a new, larger teaching pool, with an outdoor splash pad for families and young children.
The inside of the Hub would also include a sports hall, gym, play zones for toddlers and older children, indoor cycling and fitness studios, a café, a dedicated assisted exercise area and a health and wellbeing space for appointments and sessions with health practitioners, including services to support with mental health, diabetes, Alzheimer's and dementia support.
Outdoor proposals include a new 3G artificial turf floodlit football pitch as well as a separate outdoor multi-use games area for other sports including basketball, as well as community gardens and a park run track suitable for walkers, runners or cyclists around the edge of the site.
The final part of the project would include plans to help create an extra care housing scheme alongside the main Hub building. This is specialist accommodation made up of self-contained homes combined with communal areas designed to help people continue to live independently for longer.
Residents can find out more about the plans and share their thoughts on a dedicated website has been created,, which includes detailed plans and frequently asked questions about the scheme, as well as the latest project updates and a link to the consultation form.
Members of the project team will also be holding a series of exhibition and drop-in events across the District that people can attend to find out more during the consultation period, which runs from Thursday 14 March - Friday 5 April. The full list of dates and locations is:
Wednesday 20 March | 2pm - 7.30pm | Castle Swimming Pools, Spalding |
Thursday 21 March | 9am - 1pm | Holbeach Market |
Thursday 21 March | 2pm - 7.30pm | Castle Sports Centre, Spalding |
Friday 22 March | 9.30am - 12.30pm | Crowland Market |
Saturday 30 March | 10.30am - 2.30pm | Spring Into Spalding, Spalding Market |
Friday 5 April | 9am - 1pm | Long Sutton Market |
Councillor Gary Taylor, deputy leader and the Council's project sponsor, said: "I am delighted that we are able to share the progress that has been made on this exciting and significant project, and to seek the feedback of those residents who will hopefully enjoy and benefit from the new facilities for many years to come.
"A huge amount of work has taken place over the last year to reach this point, and to ensure that we are delivering the best possible end product for South Holland. Transformational investment on this scale does not come around very often and I would encourage everyone, whether you use the current Centre or not, to find out more about the plans, complete the simple online form, and share your views on this landmark development."
This funding is in addition to the £20 million of support for Spalding over the next ten years through the Long Term Plan for Towns, a regeneration initiative to support improvements to towns across the UK.
More information on the project and how to complete the consultation is available at The website and online consultation are available in numerous languages, and paper versions of the form will be available at the exhibition and drop-in events, or can be requested by emailing or calling 01775 761161.