South Holland District Council fines two landlords for breaching Housing Standards regulations
Posted 19 December, 2024

South Holland District Council has successfully fined two landlords who had left tenants living in properties with unsafe electrics.
As a result of the enforcement action, the Council issued fines totalling £65,000 which have been paid.
One of the landlords was fined for breaches relating to five properties in Sutton Bridge. The other landlord was fined for breaches relating to two Spalding properties.
The thorough investigations into the breaches by the Council's Housing Standards Team were in relation to the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector Regulations 2020.
All properties are now safe and compliant in line with the regulations, ensuring that tenants are safe in their homes.
The Regulations require landlords to have the electrical installations in their properties inspected and tested by a person who is qualified and competent at least every five years.
Landlords must provide a copy of the electrical safety report to their tenants and if requested to the local authority. If a landlord does not comply with the regulations landlords can be given a penalty by the local authority of up £30,000.
Cllr Tracey Carter, Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Operational Housing at South Holland District Council, said: "Thanks to the hard work of the Council's Housing Standards team, these properties are now compliant and tenants are able to live in their homes knowing they are now safe.
"Regulations are there to ensure tenants in the private sector are living in properties which are safe and decent.
"The Council takes safety concerns seriously and will always investigate issues where housing standards in the private sector are not meeting the required regulations."