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Feedback overview

The following outlines our procedure for handling compliments, complaints and feedback.

  • Compliments
    If you have received particularly good service we would like to hear about it. We are constantly reviewing our services to ensure continuous improvement and need to hear about what works well. Copies of all compliments will be forwarded to the member of staff concerned, senior management and members of the council. Should a compliment be received about a district councillor then this will be forwarded to the Leader of the Council, the Leader of the political party concerned and the councillor themselves.
  • Feedback
    We value feedback about our services and welcome suggestions on how we can improve them.
  • Complaints
    We will try to resolve complaints on an informal basis at the first point of contact but this Procedure explains how you can take matters formally through our Compliments, Complaints and Feedback procedure if you think the service you have received is unsatisfactory.