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Complaints about Councillors

Under the Localism Act 2011 the Council has adopted arrangements for dealing with allegations of failure to comply with the Code of Conduct by district, town or parish councillors.

South Holland District Council seeks to maintain the highest standards of integrity and fairness in all its activities. We are responsible for offering advice on and enforcing the Code of Conduct. We are also responsible for maintaining all standards in relation to ethical practices within the town and parish councils.

We uphold the Constitution and oversee the operations of delegated powers within the Council. We monitor all complaints made against the Council and keep a register of Members Register of Interests.

Register of Member interests

A Member has a duty to register financial or other interests by completing the form provided within 28 days of the election, or co-option to the Council.

The Register of Member Interests is available for public inspection on our website, for District Councillors, it is on each Councillors individual page or the Town and Parish Councillors.  Alternatively the Register of Interests forms can be inspected at Priory Road, Spalding. Please contact a Democratic Services Officer to make an appointment.

  • What Happens if a Member Allegedly Breaks the Code of Conduct?
    South Holland District Council has set arrangements for dealing with standards allegations.  Please contact a Democratic Services Officer to discuss.

If you wish to make a complaint about the conduct of either a District or Town/Parish Councillor, you must do so to the Monitoring Officer of South Holland District Council, by completing the standards complaint form and sending it to:

Monitoring Officer
Democratic Services
Priory Road
PE11 2XE