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Bulky/electrical waste collection

Bulky/electrical waste collection is the collection of large and/or electrical items from domestic premises only. Our bulky/electrical waste collection service is available to residential customers only and is not provided for business customers.

Bulky/electrical waste items

Due to a recent change in the waste legislation, some items have been identified as hazardous to health and safety. These items must be collected separately and are identified under the heading of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). A definition of items containing POPs is available at Identifying waste containing persistent organic pollutants (POPs).

There are 3 classifications for waste that are suitable for collection via this service.

  1. Mattresses - collected on Tuesday
  2. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) items - collected on Wednesdays
  3. General bulky/electrical items - collected on Mondays and Fridays

Book a bulky/electrical waste collection

Due to recent high volumes in bulky collections particularly for POPs our booking system dates are being taken very quickly, so you will not be able to book a collection until there are more dates available so if you experience this please keep checking the website.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, and we are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

If you wish to dispose of your items sooner, free of charge you can take items to the Household Recycling Centre in West Marsh Road, Spalding Recycling centres - South Holland District Council.

Book now

When booking a bulky waste collection, you can arrange for a maximum of 3 bulky items to be collected and charges are as follows:

  • 1 item = £15
  • 2 items = £25
  • 3 items = £30

Your bulky/electrical waste item(s) need to be placed at the point where you'd normally leave your rubbish sacks, no earlier than 6pm the day before collection, and by 6am on the day of collection.

You will be asked to select a date for each collection type required as you proceed through the form (the next available date(s) will be pre-selected for you), and will be confirmed on successful payment.

Payment must be made at the time of booking. The charge for this service is non-refundable. Any requests for a refund will be dealt with on a case by case basis, and once a booking request has been made, it cannot be altered.

Please be aware that that we cannot remove items from inside your property. If there is no one in your household who is able to move the items out to where you normally leave your rubbish sacks, please tell us this when booking. You will then need to read and accept a disclaimer to allow us to collect the item from a more convenient place. Alternatively, you may have a neighbour, friend or family member that could help you.

Items not collected under the bulky/electrical waste service

Any building materials, any car parts, oils, asbestos, baths and panels, batteries, fixtures and fittings, panes of glass, hardcore, paint, chemicals, gas bottles, boilers, commercial waste, creosote, dog kennels/hutches, doors, garden waste, fluorescent tubes, swings/children's outdoor play equipment, pressurised canisters, toilets, water tanks, window frames, engines, fertiliser, fire surrounds, fitted bedroom furniture, garden furniture (including children's) and implements, hearths, kitchen units, laminate flooring and DIY materials

Household Recycling Centre

Household items that are not accepted under the bulky waste service can be taken for disposal/recycling to the Household Waste Recycling Centre in West Marsh Road, Spalding.

Please note: hardcore is currently restricted to one 'dustbin' full per day at the recycling centre.