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2024 rent review

Rent increase from 1 April 2024

Rent and service charges are reviewed annually as stated in the tenancy agreement. The increase applied from 1st April 2024 is set in line with "The Direction on the Rent Standard 2023".

Letters have been sent to all tenants advising of their new amounts.  You can view your statements and rent account balance at

If you cannot pay your rent or are going to miss payments, please contact us immediately.  Please do not ignore the problem the sooner you talk to us, the sooner we can help you.

Frequently asked questions

Q. Why has my rent increased?

A.  Rent is the only income the Housing team has to fund services to tenants. As costs of services increase, so must rents. Rental income allows us to continue to invest in your home.  Rents are reviewed in line with the Direction on the Rent Standard 2023 - a government document on rent setting for social housing. To help with the cost of living, we have awarded a weekly credit to all rent accounts. 

Q. I am already struggling to afford my rent.  How can you help me? 

A.  It is important that you speak to us - we are here to help you.  We can help you by:

  • Advising on Housing Benefit / Universal Credit claims
  • Checking you are receiving the financial support you're entitled to
  • Helping you budget to afford your rent
  • Setting up affordable payment plans 
  • Advising on grants and funds you may be able to access 
  • Referring into our Cost of Living Response Team or our dedicated Debt Advisor at Citizens Advice  
  • Signposting you to other organisations that can help.

Please remember, not paying your rent is a breach of your tenancy agreement and you risk losing your home. South Holland District Council will take action against your tenancy if your rent account goes into arrears and you do not take action to address your arrears. It is important that you speak to us if you are struggling.

Q. I receive Housing Costs as part of my Universal Credit claim. What do I need to do?

A.  Please update your Universal Credit Online Account on 1st April 2024. You cannot input your figures before this date.  You will need to input your new weekly rent figure in the 'To Do' section. If you have any queries regarding this, please speak to your Work Coach through your Journal or call 0800 328 5644. You do not need to take the Cost of Living Support payment into account when submitting your new rent details. Further information is included with the rent letter.   

Q. My rent is paid by Housing Benefit. What do I need to do?

A.  Nothing - we have notified Housing Benefit of changes to rent and eligible charges. The Housing Benefit Team will write to you shortly to advise you of your new entitlement. They will make your rent payments to us as usual.

Q. I pay my rent by standing order. What do I need to do?

A.  You must notify your bank of the new amount you will need to pay from 1 April 2024 - you can do this before April.  We have included a table at the end of this document to help you calculate the amount if you prefer to pay monthly.

Q. I pay my rent by Direct Debit. What do I need to do?

A.  You do not need to take any action. We will write to you detailing your monthly amounts for 2024/25. 

Q. How can I contact you?

A.  You can telephone 01775 761161 and ask to speak to the Housing Services Team, or you can email Sheltered Housing tenants can also speak to their Housing Officer at their weekly Meet and Greet session. Temporary Accommodation licensees need to speak to the Housing Options Team.